Eating Organic Can Reduce The Amount of Toxic Paraquat A Person Ingests Each Year

There are many ways toxic chemical weedkillers can enter vegetables and fruits through a plant's roots and stems

paraquat Parkinsons Lawsuit News

Thursday, August 12, 2021 - Independent, credible university researchers have written peer-reviewed studies published in online journals that claim inhaling low doses of paraquat repetitively over a long time can lead to Parkinson's disease, a permanent and deadly neurological disorder. Hundreds of lawsuits by farmers and others who spray paraquat alleged that using and inhaling the defoliant regularly and for many years caused them to develop Parkinson's disease. Most farmers with Parkinson's disease have filed Paraquat Parkinson's disease lawsuits against Syngenta, the maker of the deadly defoliant for failing to warn them of the paraquat Parkinson's disease link. Paraquat contamination is not only in the air. Paraquat can invade a plant through the plant's roots and become systemically a part of the fruits and seeds.

Mothers in America are convinced that it is worth the extra expense to buy organic fruits, vegetables, and packaged products, to avoid paraquat Parkinson's disease and glyphosate contamination. And with good reason, as Beyond Pesticides reports, "Researchers found that children who ate organic food displayed higher scores measuring fluid intelligence and working memory." The organic fruit, vegetable, and packaged foods industry has emerged to offer people an alternative to eating foods contaminated with paraquat defoliant. An organic alternative can cost twice as much or more than conventional foods. More paraquat and glyphosate are sprayed on wheat and oat crops than any other herbicide. The weedkillers are showing up in dangerously high levels in the urine of youngsters in the United States and elsewhere. Farmers spray paraquat on oats and grains for dissection to kill and dry out the entire crop immediately before harvest. Everyday breakfast cereals made from oats and grains are thought to contain levels of paraquat and glyphosate that could be within the legal limit for adults but far exceed the safe amount in children. Breakfast cereals like Cheerios made from oats are the most heavily contaminated with toxic weedkillers. Paraquat is banned in China and the European Union because of its high toxicity and the propensity to encourage suicide. Children around the world have died from accidentally drinking paraquat stored in used soft drink containers. Paraquat is the weedkiller of choice when weeds have become resistant to glyphosate, and no other weedkiller will work. Oat, wheat, and other grain crops are showered with heavy doses of each herbicide. Not only is paraquat exposure risk to children who eat packaged breakfast cereals, but the chances are also high that paraquat can alter a man or woman's DNA and have adverse health consequences on the next generation and beyond. Researchers at MIT have made the connection between the exponential increases in spraying paraquat and glyphosate, and increases in the level number of children that have been born with autism. Given autism's meteoric increases over the last two decades, no other environmental contaminates or human genetic mutation can be associated except for the increases in using paraquat and glyphosate.

Lawyers for Paraquat Lawsuits

Attorneys handling Paraquat Lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a paraquat Parkinson's lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your paraquat Parkinson's lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at the Onder Law Firm have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.